My future job? What a difficult question because life is so unpredictable! Even if you ask yourself there will never be a clear answer, I think that one can define certain ideas of "ideal jobs" throughout the student life. As I am currently studying a discipline in the social sciences, I wish to have a future job dedicated to the social area and its problematic problems. Social work has many challenges in contemporary capitalist society, therefore, it is not only challenging to study it but to exercise it, it is possible to exercise it in the “exterior-interior” sphere. that many times unite these 2 spaces, in this profession it is difficult not to unite praxis with theory. Yes, I love to travel the world, especially in countries where poverty and inequality are common patterns, Africa is a continent that needs urgent international support, we must also remember Central America, Central Asia, the Middle East and our own Latin America. The salary is always a complicated iss...